Friday, January 21, 2011

To many skills to train!

So I'm slowly(is there any other way) building my skills up to become a lowly newbie pirate one day. In the meantime I've been out on a lot more Uni Fleets, however we rarely get into fights as people see us coming a galaxy away and go into hiding. I've been able to get in on a few more kills since my last post here and even had my first death. The first death is always a sore one and probably always remembered.  We warped into break up a gate camp and my assigned roll was to tackle the Loki, which I did. Unfortunately he didn't like that so much and shop me on the spot.  Sadly he got away, but the rest of his cronies all died.

So it's been fun getting in on a bit more fleets and in some fights, but still it's not enough. We've had people constantly war dec the Uni, which means I have to stay docked up when not out in a fleet.  So my time has been spent on my alt(same account so very little SP).  Luckily this alt was made before my wanna be pirate and has skills spent all over, including enough to pilot a retriever, but sadly not much in the way of pew pew mods, I can barely outfit a Vexor.   So I spend my days sitting in station, reading my kindle and hoping some one forms a fleet, or shooting rocks in my retriever and selling em for a bit of isk as I have no other way to make it right now.

On to the title of this post though, there is just to many damn skills to train.  I'll pull evemon and come up with what I want to do and how best to get there, but then something happens and I change my mind and making another training plan.....on and on and on so that now I have like 6 training plans, while a lot of them have stuff in common, the majority of the skills are different.

One day I think how much I'd love to fly a BS, so I buy the BS book, read it, draw up my plans and then realize how much they cost and also that I'd have to learn how to use their big guns also.  So then I go back and decide I wanna be a scout, so I buy a scouting book and a cloaking book and read them through the night, only to realize that I want to shoot people, not just look at them from afar while hiding. So at the moment I'm back to thinking I'll start out my pirating days being the best rifter pilot I can be when I leave the Uni and just get all my support skills up, they'll be good to have for any other ship I decide to fly in the future and make me that more competent of a pirate.  WAIT WAIT WAIT, it's not much to learn how to fly an ASSAULT FRIG I you can see, I just can't make up my mind. For the time being Mechanic V is being learned as it's a good thing to have no matter what I decide in the end.

I have at least decided that I'm happy with Minmatar ships, so far I've enjoyed the fast tackling Vigil, the small deadly rifter, the brick rupture, the wanna be vagabond stabber and my shield forever hurricane.  Now if I can just master each one of them and try to keep my eyes off of all the T2 ships I'll be fine, T2 did I say? Oh I guess I should mention my training plan for a Loki as well!

Well the days are counting down, not much longer till I graduate from the Uni and use all that they've taught me or not taught me to become what we hunt.

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